Enabling Change

That's you
leading change

"Bloody fantastic!" - A participant really said this.

Facilitate with Confidence

Online or in real life

This enjoyable, hands-on workshop gives you the skills to facilitate and get results in workshops, team meetings, forums and community meetings.

...with special attention in the tricks that make online workshops a pleasure.

This is an intensive training course for professionals who have facilitation roles. It's dynamic and interactive, with role plays and plenty of safe practice (after all, facilitation is best learnt by doing it!).

"I got to use it last night. It was insane how effective it was. A meeting that normally takes 1.5 hours took 30 minutes. I love the framework!"
- Luci, Sustainability leader, Victoria

The course includes:

  • Plan a perfect session, in any context
  • Win your authority to facilitate any group, live or online
  • The seven skills to being an effective facilitator
  • Online tricks to keep energy, zest, and participation high
  • Hands-on practice with online brainstorming and prioritising using:
    • Zoom's native tools;
    • the Mural brainstorming platform.

The workshop gives participants a practical step-by-step facilitation model which they use to develop and deliver sessions during the training.

workshop There is also time to discuss the social psychology of facilitation and share tips and tricks that work in different situations.

Key specifications


LIVE EVENT: 1 day (9.00 am to 4.00 pm)

ONLINE EVENT: 2 mornings (9.00 am to 1.00 pm)

Number of participants:
up to 20


Phone Les Robinson on
0414 674 676

Or email: workshops@enablingchange.com.au

Next open workshop

Via ZOOM: Over 2 mornings, 8.45am to 1.00 pm

Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 AUGUST 2024

COST: $660 (incl GST)


20% discount for self-funded participants, community organisations, and buddies working on climate action projects.

100 page training manual provided. Numbers limited.

Ask a question.

To discuss in-house training email Les on:


or phone 0414 674 676.

The workshop agenda

Morning 1

9.00am - 11.00am
The Seven Keys to good facilitation, including purpose setting, use of silence, the 'check-in', ground rules, and winning your licence to facilitate.

11.15am - 1.00pm
Designing a satisfying online session; safe practice in groups of 3 or 4.

Morning 2

• Dealing with conflict and difficult characters.
• Planning and delivering real sessions to tackle real life facilitation challenges brought by the participants.

Who's done the training

Organisations who have hosted Faciltate with Confidence in-house include:

  • Upper Hume Primary Care Partnership (Vic)
  • NSW Koala Strategy management team
  • Riverina Local Land Services (NSW)
  • Roads and Maritime Services (NSW)
  • Transport for NSW
  • Environment Protection Authority (NSW)
  • Local Land Services (NSW)
  • Advance Diversity Services
  • City of Greater Bendigo
  • East Gippsland PCP (Vic)
  • Biodiversity Conservation Trust (NSW)
  • Essential Services Commission (Vic)
  • Greater Sydney Commission
  • Best Start facilitators, Victoria (how to generate system improvements with early childhood education partners)
  • Upper Hume Primary Care Partnership, Victoria
  • State Trustees (Vic) internal change champions
  • Young Farming Champions
  • Hunter Councils (NSW)
  • Parks ACT
  • Hepatitis Australia
  • Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Group (Vic)
  • Waverley Council (NSW)
  • Wodonga City Council (Vic)
  • Wyndham City Council (Vic)
  • James Cook University postgraduate researchers (Qld - 3 times!)
  • Rockdale Council (NSW)
  • The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
  • The Heart Foundation (NSW)
  • ACT Department of Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water
  • Blue Mountains City Council (NSW)
  • Baw Baw Shire Council (Vic)
  • Department of Human Services (Vic)
  • Sustainability Victoria
  • Environment Victoria
  • Kogarah Council (NSW)
  • NevRWaste (Vic)
  • Sustainability Trust (NZ)

About the presenter

Les Robinson is a specialist in community change and one of Australia's most engaging facilitators.

"Les is a great facilitator, excellent attitude and I appreciate the way he keeps things on track, interesting, fun and practical. Best facilitation I've seen in my year in this job!!"

- NRM facilitator, Gippsland

What they say about this course

"Most valuable part was giving me a framework and structure that will allow me to build and own as my own."
- Facilitator, Wellington, NZ

"Fantastic! The manual will be the holy grail for a lot of us when it comes time to facilitate."
- NRM manager, Queensland

"On target for what is needed in our jobs."
- NRM officer, Victoria

"Upbeat, collaborative, energising."
- health promotion officer, NSW

"Fabulous. Gave me a structure to work in and a better understanding of how to engage people and get the best outcomes."
- Council planner, Victoria

"Found the focus on participants' prior (unknown) knowledge a wonderful way of opening people to their inherent skill."
- Environmental educator, Victoria

"Great! I've learnt a lot about how to communicate with community groups and how to confidently prepare myself."
- engineer, water utility, Vic

"All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning." - Albert Camus

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