When we’re communicating for action or change, the rules are different from just telling people stuff.
Change is hard. We’re asking people to invest effort and negotiate risk. We know they’re liable to resist any form of pressure.
So what might work? Here are 8 rules and some tips.
You’ll immediately notice that change communication is likely to be more fun and interesting than inform communication!
Here is a 2 page practice sheet “Communication for Change”.
Hope you find it useful.
Warm wishes
– Les

PLUS Details of upcoming CHANGEOLOGY workshops in Sydney and Melbourne are now available.
It’s an enjoyable two days with a wonderful bunch of colleagues. Bring along a tricky environmental, social or health challenge. Leave with a prototype project ready for its first public outing.

Discounts for climate change projects: We’re offering 2 for 1 discounts for teams working on climate change projects. Plus full scholarships to a limited number of passionate volunteers working on similar projects. If you’re seeking a volunteer place, please start by sending me a short email explaining your project.
Thanks Les – this is great. It’s so useful to hear it again… and again…
(Love the reminder to poof fred!)