Finally got to facilitate a full-on hybrid interactive workshop, with 18 people face-to-face and 12 people on Zoom.
We learnt a few lessons.
• Having a bluetooth mic is vital.
• Having an co-facilitator just for the online participants is vital.
• Rehearsal is vital.
The trick is to have all the laptops logged into Zoom/Teams, so each one appears in the Zoom / Teams gallery. Online participants can address the whole room via the data projector (which is nice).
The best feature of hybrid workshopping is that it slays the tyranny of distance. People can be literally anywhere – some even joined from their cars as they drove for work or child care.
Here’s a picture that shows the set up.
Thanks to Carrie Wilkinson from NPWS, who brilliantly co-designed and co-facilitated this event.
P.P.S. My next Facilitation Skills training is on 7-8 September. Details here: www.enablingchange.com.au