Enabling Change

That's you
leading change

"Energised, 'innovated', inspired. Fired up that I have something like this to back me up." - project manager, state agency, Victoria

"I've learnt more in the last 2 days than in the last 12 months." - HIV project officer, NSW

Changeology Masterclass and project incubator

"This workshop was an absolute turning point. It helped us rethink our approach and move forward with absolute clarity and conviction."
- anti plastic straw campaigners, NSW

Join a wonderful team of motivated collaborators to:

  • Understand the psychology of change, including how to avoid resistance and denial.

  • Rapidly design a fresh change project from scratch (or fix an existing one), using facilitation methods.

  • Use fun, creative, innovation methods to make your project buzzworthy, game-like, social, and rewarding.

  • Create messages people will want to say "yes!" to.

  • Walk away with a well-conceived, ready-to-prototype project.

  • Suits motivated practitioners in sustainability, health promotion, natural resource management, community development, early years intervention, road safety, crime prevention, emergency management, workplace change or employee engagement.

    "I feel like I've gone from zero to 90 in two days. Thanks Les." - Manager, Strategic Communications, NSW state agency

    A fun aspect of the workshop is working in small teams to design prototypes for real life behaviour change projects.

    Participants bring along tricky environmental, social or health challenges. They leave with prototype projects ready for their first public outing.

    Changeology is a step-by-step rapid design methodology that generates a targeted behaviour change project that fits its audience, avoids denial and resistance, and uses creative and irresistible tactics with messages people can't say 'no' to. It's an enjoyable space with a wonderful bunch of colleagues from diverse fields that turn out to have an amazing amount in common!

    Hothouse your real life project

    For those with existing or up-coming projects, the workshop is an intensive project incubator, letting you inject "change logic" and creativity into your project design.

    All participants receive the 132 page workbook with all tools: "Worth it for the registration fee alone."

    "Essential for any project manager or change agent. Les is brilliant at explaining the method behind a successful project."
    - Health Promotion Manager, NSW


    Phone Les Robinson on
    0414 674 676

    Or email: workshops@enablingchange.com.au

    We review lots of examples of
    good practice during the day.

    Contents of the workshop

    The psychology of behaviour change

    Bodies in motion ('human path theory')

    The social perspective (Understanding the Diffusion of Innovations)

    The risk perspective (how to head off denial and resistance)

    How to create a buzzworthy communication

    The process for project design

    Step 1: Define your desired future

    Step 2: Get informed & inspired - your preliminary research agenda

    Step 3: Identify actors + actions (this crystallises your project)

    Step 4: How to enable action

    • 14 behaviour change methods
    • Rapid Project Generator tool

    Step 5: How to be engaging: devise creative, innovation tactics

    • Passion mashing
    • 'If not then what' method

    Step 6: Assemble your prototype

    Step 7: Frame an irresistible invitation (ie. your key message)

    Step 8: Learn and reinvent (evaluation and action learning)

    For background on the course

    A quick snapshot of Changeology thinking.

    Les introduces the key changeology ideas in this video.

    These two documents set out the thinking behind the course:

    Changeology - the theory (147k PDF)

    Changeology - the process (260k PDF)

Next workshop:

Via ZOOM: Over 2 mornings, Tues 6 and Wed 7 May 2025 - 8.45am to 1.00 pm

COST: $660 (incl GST)


20% discount for self-funded participants, community organisations, and buddies working on climate action projects.

132 page training manual provided. Numbers limited.

Ask a question.

In-house workshops

To ask about in-house training email Les on:

or phone 0414 674 676.

Based on the book: CHANGEOLOGY

“An enjoyable, inspiring, crash course in social change thinking.”

Now on sale in the UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand. What it's all about.

What they say

Over 2000 professionals have experienced this workshop.

Here are some of their comments:

"Fantastic! Extremely useful and motivating. Looking forward to confidently using the process in all sorts of change enabling projects."
- NRM project officer, Central Coast, NSW

"Challenging and inspiring, best training I've had in two years of attending workshops."
- Landcare facilitator, Tasmania

"The biggest impact for me was realising how conservative and 'by the book' many of our education programs are, which really don't take in the needs of the community." - Council waste educator, NSW

"It's practical. It bursts open the project design process. It's about working with people's strengths not about changing them. Adapting the environment to make it fun and easy." - Council sustainability officer, NSW

"I really liked the way you were able to talk us through concepts. I plan to go back to the workplace and challenge the way we plan our social marketing programs."
- Health marketer, NSW

"Great, our processes of decision making have changed forever."
- NRM manager, Tasmania

"It helped me think outside the square and it was definitely the most useful one I've been to. It actually focused on the area of work relevant to us."
- Road Safety Officer, NSW

"I'm very empowered to tackle planning my new program for next 5 years."
- Health marketing manager, Sydney

More comments below.

Who's done the training

Organisations which have run the course in-house include:

  • City of Whittlesea (Vic)

  • City of Greater Dandenong (Vic)

  • Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (networks and partners, 6 times)

  • Dept of Water and Environmental Regulation (Healthy Estuaries) (WA)

  • Blue Mountains City Council (NSW)

  • Upper Hume Primary Care Partnership (Vic)

  • Central West Local Land Services (NSW)

  • Waterwatch Victoria

  • Northern NSW Local Health District (health promotion staff)

  • Environment Protection Authority NSW (8 times)

  • Grampians Resource Recovery Group

  • WasteMINZ, NZ (4 times)

  • World Vision, Solomon Is

  • Hepatitis Australia

  • Randwick Community Centre volunteers

  • South East Councils Climate Change Alliance (Vic)

  • Cancer Council, NSW

  • Hunter New England Population Health

  • Independent Transport Safety Regulator

  • Sustainability Victoria (ResourceSmart business program)

  • Office of Environment and Heritage, NSW (Sustainable Advantage business program)

  • Lachlan Catchment Management Authority, NSW

  • Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority, NSW (5 times!)

  • Hume City Council (Vic)

  • Bay of Plenty Regional Council (NZ)

  • TravelSmart team, Dept of Transport (Qld)

  • Sydney Environmental Educators Network

  • Melbourne Behaviour Change Network

  • Department of Environment and Conservation (WA)

  • Border Rivers - Gwydir Catchment Management Authority, NSW (twice)

  • Department of Community Services (NSW)

  • Hunter and Central Rivers CMA (4 times!)

  • Goulburn Broken CMA, (Vic)

  • Fire and Emergency Services Authority (WA)

  • Gippsland Integrated Natural Resources Forum

  • Roads and Traffic Authority, NSW (3 times!)

  • South East Sydney Area Health Service

  • Murrumbidgee Irrigation Association

  • Environment Protection Authority (Vic)

  • Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (Vic)

  • Brisbane City Council

  • Newcastle City Council

  • NSW Attorney General's Department

More comments about the course

"I feel re-energised knowing that an enabling change project does not have to be hard. A well planned project can show huge results even with limited resources available. Can't wait to put this into practice."
- Goverment Department project manager, NSW

"It gives me a framework for looking at complex problems and how to distill them into useful, simple actions that are measureable."
- Goverment Department project manager, NSW

"I loved just listening to your views and watching the way you controlled the workshop. This was an easy way to learn, the workshop was not a hard process even though our projects seemed quite involved. The time just flew by! Thanks."
- Goverment Department project manager, NSW

"It was great that we got to work on our own 'real life' projects."
- Project officer, Department of Community Services, NSW

"Fantastic! Best workshop I've ever been to."
- NRM facilitator, Hunter, NSW

"I've learnt more in the last 2 days than in the last 12 months."
- HIV project officer, NSW

"Very useful and very practical application of a huge range of social psychology theories. It gave me a lot to think about and provided direction for the future. A very professional workshop."
- NRM project officer, Central West, NSW

"Revealing, engaging, relevant, useful."
- NRM facilitator, Sydney

"Compared to all the spot-fines and emails etc I'd normally deal with over two days, arguably the most productive two days I've had. I'm glad I didn't go to all those 'essential' meetings!"
- NRM facilitator, Benalla, Victoria

"Action-packed and thought-provoking."
- community activist, Central Coast, NSW

"A great use of my time to help me work smarter."
- NRM facilitator, Tasmania

"One of the best I've attended and I've attended lots!"
- Road Safety officer, rural NSW

"Excellent and really useful. Les is a great facilitator, excellent attitude and I appreciate the way he keeps things on track, interesting, fun and practical. Best facilitation I've seen in my year in this job!!"
- NRM facilitator, Gippsland

"Really good, consolidated a lot of knowledge and theories into a comprehensive project planning approach for change."
- environmental educator, NSW

"Thanks for making the tools available so easily. My associates here at council seem to think I am good at writing up project outlines and proposals, but really I just fill in the blanks around your tools."
- Community projects officer, Victoria

"I'm fired up now I have something like this to back me up."
- community project facilitator, WA

"The identification of unique strategies for specific target groups was great."
- stormwater educator, NSW

"I realise the importance of:
- taking more time for tactics, brainstorming is best;
- analysing the behaviour change up front before launching into a campaign;
- thinking about user benefits and states of mind;
- targeting specific audiences in a campaign...not just everyone;
- testing your thinking."
- council marketing manager, Queensland

"When can I start using this!!!"
- NRM coordinator, Victoria

"All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning." - Albert Camus

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